Well Braxton has been out of the cast for about 2 months and I have been frustrated with his surgeon. I kept giving him the chance to make changes, but he never has. For one, I have been asking my doctor for physical therapy since the cast came off, but he still says it is not needed. Which I have never understood how he knows that because the man has never seen my son walk, he also has never taken off his shoes to truly examine his leg length difference. Most importantly I just feel like he is not giving my son the attention he needs so I decided I am taking matters into my own hands and getting a second opinion. My WONDERFUL Pediatrician who I seriously cannot say enough good things about has recommended a pediatric surgeon who works at St. Vincents hospital in Indy. I already like this new surgeon because he works at Peyton Manning Children's Hospital, but that is besides the point. I am just praying I get some good information and a better plan for Braxton's leg. Even if I am completely overreacting that is totally ok as long as I get some assurance that we are doing everything we need to be doing for my little man. The kid still has a horrible limp and I just want to make sure I do everything in my power so he doesn't have any long term issues.
So we are driving down to Indy this Monday and my mother and sister will be driving along with us. Conrad unfortunately will be out of town for work so he will be missing out. I am hoping this trip will be worth it and we get some information we need.
Kelsey is mostly excited to stop to get some PF Chang's:) We are also thinking about making it a fun trip so if anyone has any ideas please let me in out it. Also pray for Braxton because I know he is getting over this going to a doctor all the time. I also know how traumatized he is by all this and it truly kills me. Every time he falls he is afraid he is going to break his leg and I can already see him babying it. I just hope we are taking a step in the right direction. We will wait and see...Keep everyone posted.
Braxton. Charley. Brady.

My Joy
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Loving the Holidays
We have also been outside trying to build a snowman, but the snow just wasn't working in our favor so we just stuck with a "Baby" snowman. Still made Braxton happy and it was a LOT easier. We love playing in the snow together and it looks like we will have plenty to work with.
Here is another great conversation my son had with his father the other night. Before Conrad leaves for the week I always ask him to go and have a conversation with Braxton about it. That way when he is gone Braxton understands why Daddy is away, but also that he loves him. I listened to the conversation Sunday night and I heard Conrad telling Braxton that while he is gone, Braxton is the man of the house and he has to take care of Mommy and be good. Braxton replied that he was going to take me to the doctor then. Conrad asked why and Braxton said to get rid of her huge zit. I just started cracking up. I cannot believe the things that kid comes up with.
This is seriously every day. He says something like this where you honestly just cannot stop laughing. Kids just say whatever they feel. It is hilarious.
Tonight Braxton and I are thinking about going to see some Christmas lights if the weather isn't bad. I know Braxton will love it so wish us luck.
Hope everyone is enjoying this December..Christmas is less than 3 weeks away...its flying by!:)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..
Isn't he so handsome! Braxton went on a Field Trip and he needed to be in his Sunday's Best:). He was a big hit on the field trip.
Yesterday we went on a Holy Walk together in Bremen. It was my Mom, my sister Carrie, Braxton, My nephew Aden, and myself. Aden & Braxton loved it and participated in everything. I couldn't believe how well both boys behaved because we had to wait 2 1/2 hours before we even went on the walk. The Church hosts this event every year, but they only do it one weekend so you end up waiting for a long time. We didn't get home till midnight and I had 2 very tired boys, but it was well worth it. It really put you back into the reason for the season. I encourage anyone to attend this if they can next year, you will not regret it.
This weekend really has been awesome with Braxton. We put up our tree, played in the snow, made breakfast together, and even wrapped presents. So relaxing and just what we all needed. Especially since this week I am going to be having some finals..booo! I am almost done with this semester though..woohoo!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
God's Love..
So I have to share a story about Braxton tonight. First off Braxton told me this morning that he had to bring his Teddy Bear to school. I of course thought he was just trying to pull a fast on me so I asked him why? He simply replied that he was taking it to school because he wanted to wrap it to give it to baby Jesus. I thought it was the cutest thing ever and of course let him take it to school. Once I picked up Braxton from school we watched Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer. It is my all time favorite Christmas movie. It was so fun and relaxing. I love moments like this with him. However, this one takes the cake. So today in class we were talking about noticing God's presence in everyday life..All I could think about was how much I see God when I look at my son. Braxton makes me so happy and he seriously completes me. He always puts me in my place and he makes me realize what life is all about. Anyways tonight we read a story from his children's bible and I was talking to him about ways he can show Jesus he loves him. We had a great conversation and then we went into prayer. At this time I told him a little bit about seeing God in all the things that make him happy. He starts telling me about all the things that make him happy. Then I tell him when I see God the most is when I look at him..Braxton just smiled the biggest smile and says because he is in my heart Mommy. I just couldn't believe that my 3 year old could see it like that. He is so amazing. I gave him the biggest hug and gave him the biggest kiss. Braxton will never know how much he means to me and just the fact that he is growing into this amazing little boy makes me so proud. He seriously says all the right things when he needs to say them and at that very moment I felt God's amazing love. I am so lucky and with Christmas season already upon us I cannot wait to see the new amazing things Braxton will learn about Jesus that I and others will teach him. Together we learn so much and I am just so grateful.
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