Braxton. Charley. Brady.

Braxton. Charley. Brady.
My Joy

Monday, September 19, 2011

How did I ever get so lucky?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Baby Banana

This Monday we finally got to see our baby. The baby is healthy and growing wonderfully. We made it through with out finding out the sex and are soo excited to find out what this little one is. Since we can't call it a boy or girl we asked Braxton to think of a name to call it for now. He decided to call the baby Banana so Banana it is. Conrad calls me the best banana tree ever and Braxton just loves it. It really is so exciting to not know what this lil banana is and I cannot wait to find out.

Our doctor was soo hilarious yesterday at the ultrasound. First he looked at the pictures of the baby's brain and remarked that it had to be a boy because the brain was nice and big. Dr. quickly said he never makes that comment unless there is a man in the room because he is out numbered. Conrad thought it was hilarious and a nice ice breaker considering we had moved our ultrasound up because I have had some bleeding issues and we were nervous. Everything turned out to be fine and just a minor issue with the placenta meaning I just have to take it easy and no heavy lifting. The next photo was of the baby having it's hands by its face and Dr. quickly changed his mind and said oh no its a girl. I asked why and he said because boys never have their hands on their face, they are always playing with their privates. The ultrasound tech started laughing and said he is right yesterday I had a little boy going crazy at his junk and the Dr. replied well its not like there is much to do in there. Conrad and I were laughing so hard. I am so thankful for yesterday and being able to have some relief in knowing that the baby is perfectly healthy and beautiful. Now we wait till we get to meet our little banana. We just started picking up baby names, which should be pretty interesting considering it was horrible trying to name Braxton. I can't imagine it will be easier with this one, but you will all have to wait and be surprised for the names too. We figure if we aren't finding out we are just going to keep it all a secret. Please don't hate us..:)

Lastly, I had my follow up heart appointment today. My heart is fine and I am experiencing some PVCs that are probably happening more often because I am pregnant. Nice to know it is nothing serious and I don't have to worry anymore. Any one that ever needs to see a cardiologist though I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Nelson. His bedside manner is amazing and he truly is an amazing physician.

I am so thankful that baby and I are doing well and everyday God is taking care of us. :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Remember when I enjoyed football season?

So we all know fall is my favortie season. I love the cool weather, the changes in color, pumpkin spice lattes, fall decortations..etc etc. Mostly though I love football. It is by far my favortie sport to watch besides rugby. I am a huge Notre Dame and Colts see the dilemma in this by now right? My husband is a Michigan fan and has forced my son to love Michigan as well. It was already bad enough going at it with my husband, but when a 4 year old is screaming the Michigan fight song in your face to upset you and your husband has the biggest smile on in the backgroud you are going to lose it. However, during the Notre Dame game I kept it together. Even when we were killing them I just kept quiet and enjoyed, which if you know me at all that is not me. I seriously never shut my mouth and am a horrible loser. Seriously watching peoples remarks about the Colts makes my blood boil..its really ridiculous! Its a football relax. Ok anyways back to the point I was a great girl..yes I shouted a couple Scoreboards out and made fun of the Michigan dropped passes when they were seriously right in their hands..but for the most part I kept my mouth shut and enjoyed the game. I can't say the same for my husband or my 4 year old for that matter. Conrad was like a little kid. I mean in the last minute he was standing up rocking back and forth like he was playing or something. As you all know we lost in final seconds and my husband was all talk and smiles the rest of the night. I was a horrible loser and sent my butt to bed, hoping tomorrow the Colts would come out awesome. Haha that didn't happen either. Not even close..and the remarks from everyone has left me annoyed and not enjoying football what so ever. So now it looks like its going to be a loooong season. Damn you football!! So what do I do now..start watching tennis? No thank you. All I have to say is Irish you better destroy Michigan State next week. I seriously hate State more than Michigan. I can't really tell you why expect that I am still pissed off that they put their flag in our field years back. Yes like I said I am a poor loser just deal with it....GOOO IRISH!!! And Colts I still got your back but you gotta give me a lot more than last week..there is more to you than Peyton make it happen:) please!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


So latley I have been experiencing some weird feelings in my chest. It's almost like I can feel my heart doing something irregular and it makes me lose my breath. It isn't the best feeling. I ended up seeing my pimary care physician who has referred me to a cardiologist. I have been super nervous for all this and my main concern is the little peanut growing inside me. I want to make sure this baby is taken care of and I do everything in my power to make sure this isn't anything serious. To me it feels like I am throwing PVCs. If this is the case they usually don't do anything for this and I hope that is all this is. However, it is super uncomfortable and not knowing what it is is very scary to me. So today I started wearing a holter monitor. Basically something to track my ryhthm for the doctor. Hopefully we get some answers soon.:)

Now on to more happy things Conrad got to feel baby move for the first time. It happened just like it did with Braxton. We were both laying in bed and I felt the little bug start to move. I wasn't sure if Conrad would actually be able to feel it, but he was. That little thing can kick thats for sure. Looks like this baby is growing strong and I am very happy to be experiencing it again. I cannot wait till Braxton gets to feel it. He will be over the moon.:)

We also got Braxton's playset all set up at our new home this weekend. It has been amazing. He seriously wants to be outside all day long and I can't blame him because I truly have been enjoying this weather. This labor day weekend honestly was awesome. We really stopped everything and just enjoyed spending time with our family. Our church service this weekend really reminded us of that. It isn't about all the experiences, activites, programs, etc that you put on your kids. It really is about the downtime. Our pastor brought up some great points about if you really ask kids what they want from their parents most of them will say they just want more of them. It really isn't about quanity its about quality. I needed to be reminded of that.

Well I must get going microbiology is calling my name..yuck!! I mean seriously doesn't learning about bacteria sound super fun to you too?