Braxton. Charley. Brady.

My Joy
Friday, April 30, 2010
Exciting Exciting Exciting
Well there are some great things happening for our family & I have to share them. Conrad is done with school. He is graduating with two bachelors degrees. His degrees are in accounting and finance. He already has a job set up and I am so proud for him. I cannot say it has been easy for us doing all we are trying to do, but to see the outcome makes it all worth it. Yes I am well aware we did things backwards, but we wouldn't change it for the world. When I got out of high school I had no direction of what I wanted to do, and I was in school because that's what I thought was the next step. I was a horrible student, and didn't care what so ever. It wasn't until the day I had my son, in that delivery room was the day I realized I wanted to be a nurse. So now it is mommas turn, since Conrad is done. I am signed up at Bethel for the nursing program this fall. I am beyond excited, but really nervous. I know it is a huge commitment and I am going to miss some things, but I am doing this for my family and me. Wish me luck.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Holding Myself Accountable
I'm sure many of you know I am into fitness. I love crossfit and running and do it regularly. Exercise makes me feel awesome and it is my stress relief. I have always been athletic and I don't think that will ever change. Here is the issue ever since I had Braxton I have had trouble losing that final 10 pounds. Well after working my butt off constantly and still not dropping it my husband said, "Ashley honestly look at what you fuel your body with, garbage, how do you expect your body to change." Well off course I gave him some crap for the comment, but I knew he was completely right. I always gave myself an excuse for treating myself, you can have that Ashley you worked hard today. Ya you can feed yourself all the BS, but at the end of the day I am the one ruining it for myself. Lets face it when I run I run 3-6 miles, and anyone who's ever done crossfit knows it kicks your butt every time and I mean every time! I workout at least 4 times a week, but why even bother doing it all, if I eat the way I eat. Well here I am and I am going back to Paleo. Paleo is an awesome diet. You eat clean, meaning goodbye grains, sugar, dairy, and all the other junk. Basically you eat what the caveman ate. It is so simple. I have done it in the past, but always fell off the wagon. This time I am doing the 30 day challenge, no cheats! YES NO CHEATS! Whenever I have done this diet, I feel awesome, I have more energy then ever before and I swear within days I can already tell a difference. Lets just put it this way, this morning I was just starting day 4. I decided I would get on the scale even though I promised myself I would only check once a week because I don't want to get discouraged if it doesn't drop. However, I talked myself into it. I got on the scale looked at it and thought haha that cannot be right. So I hopped off and got back on again. I looked at it again astonished and said, "What the hell I am down 4 pounds already"! Here I have been beating myself up to lose 10 pounds and within 3 days of eating healthy I was almost half way there. It does work to fuel your body with good food, and to be honest whenever I even think about cheating I run myself through it and realize one it doesn't taste that good and two I would be so pissed at myself after I ate it. I always feed my son healthy food, so now its my time to practice what I preach. The point of my post is to keep myself accountable for what I am doing. I also want to show others what I am doing, in case it helps them. I will keep you all updated, because I am determined to do this not just for me but for my family!
Monday, April 19, 2010
What Braxton is up to..
Our baby boy is 2 3/4 and changing constantly. He is up to so much I have to share some new things the boy is doing.
1. Whenever we are outside he thinks he needs to water the grass. Mind you this kid is not even close to being potty trained and has never officially peed outside. I think he just likes the idea of it.
2. Braxton can count to 15 in english and 10 in spanish.
3. Braxton says "frog" only it comes out as a verry bad word. Conrad uses it to amuse others, I on the other hand do not think its funny.
4. He loves being outside. He would live outside if he could.
5. He is obsessed with car washes. He talks about them all the time, yet when we go through the car wash he is terrified. He loves washing cars though with us.
6. He still loves doing laundry and cleaning. :) Ahhh mommy loves it and appreciates the help.
7. He loves peanut butter sandwiches.
8. His bestfriend is Cecilia Heeter. Pre-arranged marriage no big deal:).
9. He is always asking what is that. The kid is always wondering and he seriously never shuts up. And we were so worried about him not talking.
10. He LOVES chocolate milk & cheese. For sure a dairy boy.
11. He is insanely polite. He calls us out all the time when we were not being good. He has put me in time out before for not saying excuse me.
12. He loves animals. Especially dogs. Right now Braxton has 5 stuffed animal dogs that he takes everywhere. Their names are Milo, Tanner, Scruffy, Toby, and Copper. Milo is still his favorite and he takes it everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE!
13. Braxton loves build a bear.
14. I know I go to Super Target way too often because whenever we pull up to the store Braxton automatically tells me "Mom I want an icee."
15. Braxton is a HUGE hugger. I always loves his back hugs when he surprises you and grabs you from behind with those little arms and squeezes so tight. He usually tops it off with a kiss.;)
16. Braxton loves to pray.
17. Braxton loves reading with Daddy before bed. They both loves Dr. Seuss. They usually always read from our big Dr. Seuss book with all his stories. Braxton's favorites are The Lorax and Horton hears a who.
18. Braxton loves spiderman. Why I have no clue because hes never even seen the show. He has everything spiderman and his new thing is pretending to be a spider.
19. Braxton is in love with daddy's buddies and constantly asks where Uncle Joel, Uncle Carl, and Lil Willy are at:). I think he feels really cool to have big boys around.
20. Braxton is always excited when he hears a motorcycle or airplane.
21. Braxton hates his toe nails being clipped.
22. Brax loves swimming! Cannot wait for this summer with him.
23. Braxton adores his grandparents. He is always so excited to see them.
24. Braxton loves making coffee with his Gpa. They have an awesome routine doing it and I think they both are in love with it and look forward to it.
25. Braxton loves his crocs. He would wear them all day everyday if he could.
Ok can you tell I can talk about this kid forever. I will stop for now but not for long. :)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
# 9
As you all know from my recent post an amazing woman that I know has passed away. Friday I went to her viewing. I have to say it was one of the hardest things I have had to do in my life. The reality finally hit me, she was gone. When I got up to greet her parents, this emotion ran through me uncontrollably. Her mother grabbed a hold of me and she didn't let go for a long time. I remember just wanting to take the pain away from her. When I finally reached Heather's casket I could no longer handle it. Then all the sudden I realized this was my last chance to see her so I better take a good look. The only thing I could think of was that isn't her. She was wearing a black turtle neck with pink lipstick and her hair down, come on we all know Heather would never wear pink lipstick or a turtle neck. Her mom leaned into me and said I know what your thinking Heather is so mad at me right now because I let them put lipstick on her. Finally a smile was brought on my face. The one thing I will remember about Heather was she was of course wearing her #9 necklace. As we left the viewing I felt nauseated. I hated the pain that I knew everyone felt. That evening we were going to a candle light vigil on the softball field. The softball field everyone had played on with Heather. On my way to the vigil I just prayed to God please just show me a sign that Heather is ok and with you please. As you read in my last post I said everytime I see the #9 I am going to think of Heather. As I got out of my car and headed toward the field I was asked if I wanted to sign up for a car decal in memory of Heather. I immediatly said yes and as I went to sign my name I realized I was signing on as the number 9th person. I have to believe at that moment God was telling me, don't worry she is here with me and she is safe. I had been praying to him asking for one sign and he gave it to me. I have to believe that. The vigil was amazing. Kristi Lafree, Heather's bestfriend, did an amazing job. We didn't focus on the sadness, we focused on the amazing moments we had with her and the wonderful person she is.
My main point of this post is I believe God is listening and he is there to comfort us all when we need it. It also depends on how much you want to look for his guidance. Whether you want to believe it or not I know God answered me in his own way and I know Heather is looking down on all of us. She wants us to not be in pain, but instead go towards the future. She was an amazing woman. A woman none of us will never forget.
My main point of this post is I believe God is listening and he is there to comfort us all when we need it. It also depends on how much you want to look for his guidance. Whether you want to believe it or not I know God answered me in his own way and I know Heather is looking down on all of us. She wants us to not be in pain, but instead go towards the future. She was an amazing woman. A woman none of us will never forget.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
We will never forget you

Heather Genovese
10-06-1989 - 4-12-2009
10-06-1989 - 4-12-2009
Monday night I got a horrible call that Heather Genovese, AN AMAZING girl that I had the opportunity to get to know and play softball with in high school, had passed away. The emotion I felt and still feel is indescribable. Her story hits way too close to home for me. Heather was always an amazing girl on and off the field. She strived for greatness and wouldn't settle for anything less. She cared for others more than herself and she would do anything for anybody. She was an inspiration. A girl that people truly wanted to be like. Heather you will never be forgotten and every time I see the number 9 I know I will think of you. Rest in peace baby girl. The world will not be the same without you. You will be missed more than you know!!
Psalm 34:18
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit
For all those who are suffering with this, just know God is always there to listen and help through this difficult time.
Psalm 34:18
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit
For all those who are suffering with this, just know God is always there to listen and help through this difficult time.
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