Braxton. Charley. Brady.

My Joy
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Joys Of Parenthood
I think many of you know I have been trying to potty train my child for a long time now. I remember when Braxton turned two telling Conrad why don't we try to start potty training Braxton. I read the books and I felt like Braxton was showing signs so why not. Atleast get him started and see where we go. Well my son was doing great. He had peed a couple times in the potty and even pooped. I was thinking I was super Mom. Then all the sudden he started getting not interested. He didn't want to take the time to sit on the potty when he knew his Mom would just change his wet pants. It was like this kid was totally taking advantage of me, and I knew it because the kid would be pooping and look at me and say, "Mommy I am pooping so I am going to need you to change me soon." I couldn't help but smile and think you turd you know exactly what you are doing. Even being discouraged I still pushed forward with potty training. One day I took Braxton on a special trip to our favorite store, Super Target of course. I went down the big boy underwear aisle and made a huge scene about how cool big boy pants were. I mean seriously parents walking by me were laughing at me, they had to have thought I was crazy, but I didn't care. My son looked me right in the face and said, "Mommy I like peeing in my diaper." I was shocked and for the first time in my life I had nothing to say. I left the aisle and went straight to the diapers, in disappointment I cringed and grabbed a pack. Finally I said I was done. I was done pushing the issue, and I knew when Braxton was ready he would do it. I have given him all the tools and I know he will accomplish it. Now Braxton will be three in July, so try and remember we have been on this journey for almost a year. Well this weekend we were at our favorite place in the world, my parents lake. Braxton is a little fish and he seriously will live in the water if I let him. Anyway from the very beginning I told Braxton he had no diaper on so if he has to go he better tell me because he doesn't want to go in his new bathing suit. Then all the sudden I look over at my child who has his pants down, grabbing his butt apart in a squat, grunting, and taking an enormous poop on the beach. My family was sitting on the deck laughing hysterically. I think everyone was waiting for me to go yell at my child for just pooping on the beach, but not this Mom. I ran down there telling him how proud I was that he didn't poop in his pants. I praised him over and over again. Yeah that is right, I did! That's the joys of parenthood. Is it ideal absolutely not, but is a step in the right direction, you bet it is. I will never forget Braxton's excitement. He was so proud of himself, and if you ask him about it he will still smile and tell you the story. Every day with Braxton is a new adventure and every day he makes me smile. He is so amazing and to see him happy when he accomplishes something new is what every parent dreams of. So am I proud of my son for taking a dump on the beach, you bet I am!
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