On July 17
th 2007 my life completely changed. I will never forget that day. It was 7 o'clock in the morning, and I rolled over to tell my husband it was time to get ready for work and all the sudden my water broke. Everyone knows I am not a morning person so maybe that was why I wasn't nervous, I was just still asleep. Or maybe it was the fact that I had so many false alarms in past that I just wasn't sure if it was all real. See I had a time in the past where I thought my water broke and it really didn't, yes
Braxton was a jokster. Anyways Conrad asked me what I wanted him to do, go into work till I thought it was time or just stay with me. I wasn't sure, I figured I didn't want to rush till the hospital till my contractions were close enough so I told him to wait till I knew. Well 15 minutes later I had my first contraction. Lets just say it was painful enough that I informed Conrad he wasn't going anywhere. After that it only got worse and of course my lovely husband didn't have his bag packed or the car seat in the car so while he did those things I tried to relax. However, my contractions made that impossible. After trying as hard as I could to relax I lost it. I was in horrible pain that was coming too often for my liking. I will never forget the ride to the hospital, although I would like to. That day was a hot muggy day and we had construction everywhere. It took us FOREVER to get to the hospital. I yelled at my husband the entire way, had the A/C on full blast, and was all over the place. It was awful. My favorite part of this story was when we got to the parking garage and people were walking slowly in front of our car, I rolled down my window yelling get out of the way I am in labor and honking the horn. I think at this time my husband was wishing he wasn't with me. On top of that when we got out of the car my contractions were a minute apart and I could no longer walk or stand for that matter. I looked at Conrad and said you are going to have to carry me in there. His face was priceless, lets just say this momma was a biggg momma and Conrad wanted to laugh, but had to act like he would try because he knew at this point I might kill him. Luckily he found a wheel chair and he ran me inside. Once getting into triage and by this time crying with every contraction, the nurses finally got in and I kind of had to believe they didn't believe I was as far as I thought I was. At this point my body was telling me to push. Finally they checked me and I will never forget the nurses face as she said Oh my your 9 cm already we need to get you to a birthing room. The nurses there rocked even though I was a little crazy trying as best as I could to deal with the pain. In my birthing plan I always said I would go as far as I could without pain meds, but by this point I would have given away anything to get some. The nurses thought I was too far to get anything, but luckily my WONDERFUL doctor said I could have an epidural. I am telling you once that baby was in it was like heaven. I enjoyed the rest of my birthing experience and it was an amazing moment I shared with my husband. Both of us in tears as our son was finally arriving into the world. My favorite part was when Braxton's shoulders were out Conrad and I pulled Braxton out together and laid him on my chest. Our doctor truly believed in letting the newborn baby lay on the mothers chest when they are born for at least an hour. It was the
BEST experience on my life. I remember just being in awe, that he was finally here!! I remember Conrad being so jealous that I had Braxton on me for that long because he was just itching to hold his son. After everything was said and done, I didn't care what pain I had been in because it was completely worth it. The love of my life was in my arms and I was the happiest I had ever been in my life. Conrad and I just sat there together so in love with our baby boy.
Now I look at my son, who is about to be 3 on Saturday and it just amazes me how far we have come. He has now grown into this little boy with so much personality. He is beyond sweet and makes me smile all day long. Braxton is our world and we feel so blessed that God gave us this gift. I love you Warren Braxton Bontrager!!!