Well this semester is almost over. I have about 2 weeks left. Thank the good Lord for getting me through it because it has been CRAZY! I cannot believe how fast it has gone though, but seriously my classes were no joke and I have learned A LOT along the way. Since I have been out of school for so long I kind of forgot what it takes to do it. Now I know. My hardest class as you all know is Anatomy, but its also my favorite class. I know I am totally crazy right? But seriously it is. I have learned so much in this class. It doesn't mean I don't want it to be over with, but haha here is the thing I have to take it for an entire year, so I will be going at it again next semester. Booo! I am really excited for these 2 weeks to get over with because that means I get some great quality time with my family. My husband will be taking vacation for 10 Days and I am soo excited for it:)
Braxton is doing really well. The last couple days however he has been having what I think is growing pains. He has been complaining about his leg hurting him. I really hate this whole process, but he is improving everyday and making me so proud. School has been WONDERFUL for him and he enjoys playing with his friends so much. He talks about school all day long. I think it is also great for his leg because he is so busy, he doesn't have time to think about it and it gets him moving around.
This year Braxton is totally into Santa Clause and I am LOVING it. He has made a Christmas list this year already. His number one item is a Doggie pillow pet. Ok you all know you've seen that ANNOYING commercial --> It's a Pillow..It's a Pet..It's a PillowPet (In case you didn't just get that I was reacting the commercial for you). Anyways yeah my son wants want of those so bad. Other high things on his list are a kid's digital camera, a BIG helicopter, cars, trucks, and all that other fun boy stuff. He cracks me up with the pillow pet though and he tells everyone about it. I am really excited to do Christmas stuff with him this year, and we are starting it this weekend. My sister Carrie is coming into town and we are going to see the story of Jesus. It is almost like a play they put on that you walk around and go through that amazing night when Jesus was born. I went when I was younger and my Mom planned for us to go this year. I am SOOO excited and I hope we can make it a regular event. I am also excited to put the tree up, go see Santa, and make Christmas cookies. Such a fun time of the year.
Also for all you parents out there that want a good discipline tool well I have the secret. I tell Braxton I have Santa Clause on speed dial. So whenever he is acting bad I just let him know Santa doesn't bring presents to bad little boys so maybe I need to call him up. Braxton immediately straightens up. I am telling you works like a charm:).
Conrad has been a BUSY BUSY BUSY working man, but this weekend we were able to have some fun nights with our friends. It was so fun and we for sure needed it. We have some of the greatest friends in the world. Now we are back to living the dream and working our butts off:) haha.
Well that's all for now:) Hope everyone has a great December:)
Braxton. Charley. Brady.

My Joy
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
So Thankful
Well Thanksgiving is right around the corner and we all have so much to be thankful for. Yesterday really reminded me of how fortunate we are and how we really should never take it for granted.
Yesterday I was reading a article in my parents magazine. Let me just tell you this article didn't just make me cry, it made me bawl. It was about an amazing family who in one minute had their life change drastically. The father was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma and in 2 1/2 months was gone. Together they have 2 children, both around the ages of 4-6. The mother is absolutely amazing and the way she talked about her husband was beautiful. He was and still is the love of her life and she just made me realize that any day something can change. He went in for a routine checkup and in months was gone. She talked about seeing him again and until then just living every moment to the fullest and let her kids know they are loved with everything she has.
I am beyond blessed. I have God in my life who makes me stronger than I ever thought I could be and always listens to me, even when I have my crazy rants about nothing. I have a healthy 3 year old who completes me. I have an amazing husband who supports me and loves me unconditionally. I have a roof over my head and food on the table. I have parents & in-laws who are great role models and support me and love me. I have the opportunity to go to college and get an education to support myself and family. I have friends that are my family.
Seriously the list could go on and on. The point is sometimes I get so wrapped up in the bad that I forget all the WONDERFUL things going on in my life. This year I encourage all to really think about all the good going on in your life. I am well aware that life isn't perfect, but trust me it could always be worse. There are people out there that have nothing. They have no home, they have no family, they are fighting for their health. Some things that are so simple are so important that we take for granted.
Just like the mother in this article. She doesn't focus on her husband's death, she focuses on the future and the assurance that this isn't it. She will see him again. She managed to find the good in in, which is NEVER easy in bad times. I always believe God works in mysterious ways and he has a plan and we have to believe in it. There is a plan to the madness.
I just want to wish everyone an amazing Thanksgiving. And know that I am thankful for you!:)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Is this a sign?
Well Monday I came down with what I thought was a horrible cold. It kept getting worse and then Wednesday I woke up drenched in sweat and couldn't breath, which is never a good sign. Turns out I have a mild pneumonia. Seriously? It is one thing after another. So far this semester my son has broken his femur, I have had strep throat, my husband is traveling every week, and now I have a pneumonia. Can you understand my frustration?
I feel really low right now. Like maybe God is saying you really cannot do it all. I don't know whatever it is I need some good things to happen.
Thank God for my wonderful parents who have been helping me with Braxton because Conrad is out of town. They save me I swear. So I have been able to get some rest. Hoping I start feeling better soon.
All I can say is Jesus take the wheel because I need help:)
I feel really low right now. Like maybe God is saying you really cannot do it all. I don't know whatever it is I need some good things to happen.
Thank God for my wonderful parents who have been helping me with Braxton because Conrad is out of town. They save me I swear. So I have been able to get some rest. Hoping I start feeling better soon.
All I can say is Jesus take the wheel because I need help:)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
I cannot believe it started snowing yesterday..and it is still on the ground this morning. We didn't get snow last year till December 17th (My dad informed me of this last night because he snow plows.). Anyways Braxton is loving this snow. I like it too, but I always feel like Fall goes by so fast. It is my favorite season and before you know it it is gone. Yesterday Braxton and I went to Target because I needed to pick up some things and I figured it was the perfect day to get a peppermint mocha since the snow had arrived. The lady did mine with an extra twist. She did half chocolate mocha and half white chocolate. I am not lying, that thing was heavenly! It is going to get me into a lot of trouble. Braxton insisted we go through the Christmas aisle. Man they don't even have Thanksgiving stuff, it is just straight XMas. I loved it though I cannot lie. Seeing all the pretty decoration and lights made me happy. We have already gotten like 4 toy magazine in the mail and Braxton is making his Christmas list. He is really getting into it this year, which is really fun for me. I just cannot wait for fun family activities and this year I want to take Braxton to the story of Jesus. I think he would really enjoy it and so would I.
Today Braxton and I plan on having a relaxing Saturday. I really have alot of school work to get done, but I don't know if today that is going to happen with Conrad being gone, but we will see.
I may have to venture out for another mocha..see what I am talking about..I already want another one. I thought pumpkin spice got me in trouble. Dang you Starbucks taking my money!
Today Braxton and I plan on having a relaxing Saturday. I really have alot of school work to get done, but I don't know if today that is going to happen with Conrad being gone, but we will see.
I may have to venture out for another mocha..see what I am talking about..I already want another one. I thought pumpkin spice got me in trouble. Dang you Starbucks taking my money!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
So first off..I have to show this picture. These are my 3 year olds abs. Like are you kidding me? What 3 year old has abs like this. It has to be from carrying that heavy cast for 4 weeks and the fact that he is already a skinny boy. I don't know what it is all I do know is I am jealous.

Anyways took Braxton to the surgeon today. Braxton's right leg is about 1 cm shorter than his left, which is actually good since the bone will grow while it is healing. We aren't doing physical therapy because the doctor doesn't feel it is needed. Braxton is doing awesome. He is walking with a limp, but improving every day. I am very proud of him. This will be a long healing process and I just pray it wont have any long term issues.
I have been soo busy lately I feel like I cannot keep my head straight. We are getting close to the end of the semester and I feel like I am trying to stay in motivating mode, but it is getting difficult. I am doing well in all my classes and signed up for my next semester classes. Unfortunately I cannot say I am too excited for them because I have Anatomy & Physiology at 7AM. For all those that don't know this..I am not a morning person. I so badly want to be, but I cannot even function properly that early so I am already starting to pray for God's guidance with this one:). Hopefully it will go ok.
Well thats all I have time for now..have to study:)
Anyways took Braxton to the surgeon today. Braxton's right leg is about 1 cm shorter than his left, which is actually good since the bone will grow while it is healing. We aren't doing physical therapy because the doctor doesn't feel it is needed. Braxton is doing awesome. He is walking with a limp, but improving every day. I am very proud of him. This will be a long healing process and I just pray it wont have any long term issues.
I have been soo busy lately I feel like I cannot keep my head straight. We are getting close to the end of the semester and I feel like I am trying to stay in motivating mode, but it is getting difficult. I am doing well in all my classes and signed up for my next semester classes. Unfortunately I cannot say I am too excited for them because I have Anatomy & Physiology at 7AM. For all those that don't know this..I am not a morning person. I so badly want to be, but I cannot even function properly that early so I am already starting to pray for God's guidance with this one:). Hopefully it will go ok.
Well thats all I have time for now..have to study:)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Happy Halloween
We had a great day for Halloween yesterday. Braxton dressed up as a shark and had so much fun. He still isn't walking too much so we pulled him in a wagon. Made it a little difficult getting in and out of it at every house, but we did it. He had a blast and got a lot of candy. We went with the Walshs in their neighborhood. Braxton got to play with his buddy Peyton. They play really great together and Braxton just loves his buddy. Walshs are my second family so it is always great spending time with them.
Today we are up and getting ready for school. Mondays are my longs days at school so I cannot say I am looking forward to it, but Braxton of course is looking forward to seeing his friends.
Off we go. Hope everyone has a GREAT day!
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