Well Thanksgiving is right around the corner and we all have so much to be thankful for. Yesterday really reminded me of how fortunate we are and how we really should never take it for granted.
Yesterday I was reading a article in my parents magazine. Let me just tell you this article didn't just make me cry, it made me bawl. It was about an amazing family who in one minute had their life change drastically. The father was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma and in 2 1/2 months was gone. Together they have 2 children, both around the ages of 4-6. The mother is absolutely amazing and the way she talked about her husband was beautiful. He was and still is the love of her life and she just made me realize that any day something can change. He went in for a routine checkup and in months was gone. She talked about seeing him again and until then just living every moment to the fullest and let her kids know they are loved with everything she has.
I am beyond blessed. I have God in my life who makes me stronger than I ever thought I could be and always listens to me, even when I have my crazy rants about nothing. I have a healthy 3 year old who completes me. I have an amazing husband who supports me and loves me unconditionally. I have a roof over my head and food on the table. I have parents & in-laws who are great role models and support me and love me. I have the opportunity to go to college and get an education to support myself and family. I have friends that are my family.
Seriously the list could go on and on. The point is sometimes I get so wrapped up in the bad that I forget all the WONDERFUL things going on in my life. This year I encourage all to really think about all the good going on in your life. I am well aware that life isn't perfect, but trust me it could always be worse. There are people out there that have nothing. They have no home, they have no family, they are fighting for their health. Some things that are so simple are so important that we take for granted.
Just like the mother in this article. She doesn't focus on her husband's death, she focuses on the future and the assurance that this isn't it. She will see him again. She managed to find the good in in, which is NEVER easy in bad times. I always believe God works in mysterious ways and he has a plan and we have to believe in it. There is a plan to the madness.
I just want to wish everyone an amazing Thanksgiving. And know that I am thankful for you!:)
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