This Monday marks my 2nd Year of Marriage to the man of my dreams. Also on Monday we will officially have been together 7 years. Crazy right? I am 24 years old and I have already spent 7 years of my life with the man that completes me.
I still remember those high school days. To be honest the first time I met Conrad I wasn't too happy with him. See my good friend Jenn talked me into going tanning, even though my Momma told me not to. Well it was bad enough that I went, but worse that I decided to go the whole time because I knew nothing about tanning beds and I have always had skin that tanned easily so in my head I thought no big deal right? Haha you all know that was wrong, I was as bright as an apple and it hurt like no body's business. I know you are wondering where is she going with this story. Well I had school and I begged my mom to let me stay home, but she said absolutely not that's your punishment. It was horrifying. I tried all day to keep my head down and have no one notice me. Yeah everyone noticed. Well at lunch I sat with my friends and this boy keeps staring at me I finally look over at him and he goes, "Whats up Rudolf?" Yeah that man was my now husband. I remember leaving the cafeteria that day saying that Conrad Bontrager is the biggest jerk ever.
Well shortly after that Conrad and I became friends through a mutual friend, who is one of our best friends still, Joel Bennett. Conrad was a football player and I was a softball player so we saw each other a lot in the weight room at Penn. Conrad decided to use this to his advantage and we started playing each other in basketball. I usually won these games. Conrad will tell you he let me win, but don't believe him this girl has skills:). Anyways one thing lead to another and Conrad and I became inseprable. We were friends from the very beginning and we had the best time together. I will never forget the night Conrad asked me to be his girlfriend. It was October 25th, 2003 & we have been together ever since.
Conrad and I have went through some of the hardest times in our lives together and some of the best times. Through it all we have made it. Conrad is my very best friend and he knows me inside and out. He helps me through everything and he believes in me when I don't even believe in myself. Marriage isn't easy it honestly wasn't meant to be. It takes work and drive, but oh my word is it worth it. We made a commitment to each other because this is where we want to be forever. I promise to never give up and he promises the same.
To my husband I could never tell you enough how much I love you. Thanks for never leaving my side. You are the reason I do everything I do. Thanks for always believing in me and making me smile every day. Thank you for giving me an amazing son. You are truly the love of my life and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for us in the future.
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