So the other day as I was strapping Braxton into his convertible car seat I realized it was no longer working. The kid is just too big for it. The straps were just too tight around his little chest. I seriously dreaded this day for a long time. The car seat was the only thing I was holding on to that still made Braxton a "baby" in my eyes. I cringed and told Conrad it was time we buy booster seats for Braxton. We find the perfect one and the other day I throw it in my car and I lost it. Seriously in my garage full out crying. What in the world is wrong with me? See I have moved Braxton into everything toddler and the car seat was all I had left. We have went to sippy cups instead of bottles, a toddler bed instead of crib, and the list goes on. In the garage it finally was real for me..he is growing up and as much as I want to stop it I can't. I mean seriously the kid is 3 1/2..how in the world did that happen so fast? I still remember having him like yesterday. I think I hate him growing up because I know I can never go back. As much as I hate that time is going so fast I have to admit that I adore the stage we are in right now. Braxton is like my bestfriend. He has so much personality and the biggest heart. For example, the other day he caught me crying even though I tried VERY hard for him not to see me. He jumped on my lap and told me that Daddy told him to take care of me while he was gone and he didn't want to see me sad. He wiped my tears and kissed my cheek. Made me feel so blessed. The love a child gives is so amazing. This stage also makes me realize how much I want to hold on to it forever. I am #1 in Braxton's eyes. As he gets older I see his interests growing and hobbies he enjoys. At some point in his life I wont be his number one priority and right now I cannot even imagine that. The bond I have with this little boy is indescribable and I don't want it to go anywhere. So to Braxton just know I may be your mother, but I am also your friend and I will always be here for you. You are my prince and the love I have for you will NEVER go away. You and your Daddy make me the happiest I have ever been:) Thanks for being you!!
Now on to my amazing husband Conrad who is gone this week in L.A. He has been working a lot so I haven't had a lot of time to talk to him. I am anxious to hear what LA is like and if he has seen any celebs. I told him to make sure he stops at Louis Vuitton and pick me up a bag, but I don't think that will happen:) He is working really hard and I am just so proud to be his wife supporting him through this new journey. Sometimes I hate it, but I know without this job I wouldn't be able to go to school. God has provided for us so I have to learn to love it. From now on I am trying to look at this job as a growing time for our relationship. Since Conrad is gone a lot I REALLY have realized how lucky I am to have such a STRONG man in my life. Conrad is an amazing father and husband. He does things for me that I didn't think anyone would do. I trust him with everything I have and more importantly I love the person he has made me grow into.
I started working out at CrossFit South Bend this week. I have taken a LONNG break from there and was just running, but that got old fast. It felt AMAZING to be back working out with people in the gym and I need to make sure I make time out for myself to workout. It makes me such a better Mom when I do something for myself and I totally realized that yesterday. Having a husband gone a lot and going to school I spend a lot of time with just my 3 year old. Which isn't all bad, but sometimes I just need some adult time and working out gives me that. Not that I don't LOVE talking about doggies all day with Braxton:)
Well I am off to my anatomy class. Hope everyone has a GREAT Wednesday!!!
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