There are no words to describe how much I look forward to Sundays. We have a very special routine and its something that honestly gets me through the week. Every Sunday we wake up as a family and have some special time together. Usually consists of breakfast and a walk for Maize. After that its time to get ready for our favortie thing..Church service. Conrad and I get a morning coffee and then its off to our other home. What I love most about Sundays is Braxton's excitiment for Church. He truly has a love for God and every day I see God in him more and more. Seriously to see your child growing in his faith at 4 years old will make any grown up want more for their life as well. These past couple months church has been everything I have wanted it to be. I grew up in church since I was a baby and I totally blame myself for waiting this long to truly find God. Now maybe it was because I was younger and I wasn't really listening and truly selfish, but when I was younger church for me was a chore. It was something I had to do and I never felt close to it. I can honestly say God wasn't someone I knew and it wasn't until I had my newborn baby in my arms did I realize how much I was truly missing. It has been a journey, but for the first time in my life I am listening and it is changing my life. God has changed my life in a way I never imagined and there is still SOOOO much room for growth. Conrad and I have faced many obstacles and there is a reason we are where we are now. We are far from perfect, but I guarentee we wouldn't be as successful as we are if it wasn't for our faith. With God by our side there is nothing we cannot face. We have had a share of struggles and seriously the last couple weeks in service have answered my prayers. To sit in a chair and just cry for help to God and have Sunday come and give you light on the exact issue just makes me forever grateful. I just feel so lucky right now and have to be able to share it.
After church Braxton and I took off for the park with Maize. We wore that puppy out and also ourselves. We truly love having a park in our neighborhood that has plenty of space for the dog to run and Braxton time to "escape aliens." Braxton has quite the imagination these days and he truly can find a way to play with anything and I mean anything. Anyways at the park he usually fights aliens and tries to escape them. It is such a funny scene and I get to watch:). On on way back to the house, the Kona truck came by and Braxton was able to get a slushy so I think his Sunday is quite complete. I seriously cannot tell you how much I love living in our subdivision.
Now we are enjoying some quite time since Braxton slept horribly last night. Braxton usually never naps, but with him being up a lot last night he for sure needs it. I think this weather might be effecting his alleriges. Hopefully he will get a little nap in and maybe this moma should try to do that herself. However, one chore Conrad and I want to tackle today is the baby's room. You think you'd be able to walk in the baby's room..yeah we can't. It is filled with all types of baby stuff and not organized at all and I figure since we are more then halfway through and on the verge of busy season we should get to it. A little at a time and it will get there:). This house will get there eventually I know it will..we might just need some help along the way.
I hope everyone is enjoying this Sunday as much as we are..:)