34 weeks!
First of all don't you love how catchy the title is to this one. Yes I thought of it myself and I am back to living at the OB office:). At my last doctor appointment about a week ago I was having contractions so since I was only 33 weeks my doctor decided to put me on bed rest. At first when you get put on bed rest you think this will be relaxing, but I am totally not one of those people. I HATE IT. I am such a busy body and not being able to do a thing, but sit on your butt is awful. It is beyond boring not to mention finding someone to take on your responsibilities is hard on any Mom. The one plus is Braxton has been able to go to his preschool more giving me time off my feet and Braxton truly adores it. This is the best time for him to be going all week because they are doing soo many fun things at his school for Christmas. I also have had amazing family members step in and help me out when I very much needed it. I am just grateful that I only had to be on bed rest for about a week and half. Tomorrow I will be 34 weeks..which means we made it to our first goal..WOOHOO!! I had my fetal test done this past Monday which was negative so its looking good that we will make it to term. I am so happy I could cry! This pregnancy has been very rocky and I am just grateful that everything is turning out good and this little peanut has stayed inside. I am still having a lot of contractions, but when I get off my feet I am able to control them. I went back to the doctor's office this Monday and everything was good. I was still only dilated a cm, but I am now measuring 2 weeks early. This could mean I have high amniotic fluid, the baby's positioning also could affect the test, or I am carrying a bigger baby. Ahh the thought of a big baby was something I was terrified of with Braxton. Did I mention my husband weighed 11 lbs 6 oz when he was born? Thats like a damn turkey. However, more times than not the baby's weight is determined more by the mother's weight and I was an average size baby. We will wait and see. My weight is right on and honestly my belly is just growing so big that I walk so goofy because I feel like I could fall over. I am just carrying so forward with this one. My basketball belly is turning more into a watermelon I swear. I am going to the doctor every week now so if I am still big at this next appointment they might do another ultrasound just to make sure everything is looking good. We will see. As the time gets closer and closer I am getting anxious about meeting this little one. I think already going through labor before now I know what to expect which I think makes it even worse. Yes I know I will get through it and it is totally worth it, but the anticipation is the worst. I am also scared its going to happen at the worst time. My labor was so fast with Braxton..I am having nightmares that I wont make it to the hospital in time and my baby will be born in the car. Whatever happens happens right haha. We will work it out and I know not knowing what this little one is is going to be great motivation during labor. I cannot wait to hear my husband says Its a .....?? It is going to be an amazing moment for us!!!
I was also getting super nervous about our lab Maize as my pregnancy gets closer to the end. He is a lab which means he is hyper..but its like these last couple weeks he just chilled out. It might just be the fact that he got fixed..poor guy. And for everyone who told me he would stop humping everything when he got fixed..you lied to me! Now he isn't perfect by any means, but he knows when to turn it on and when it needs to be turned off. I was terrified of him thinking the baby was a chew toy, but you should just watch him with Braxton. He is soo in love with him and I know he is going to be protective of this baby. For example, when Braxton takes a bath Maize lays right by the bath tub. He wants to be whenever Braxton is at. It's like he knows his job is to protect the kids. Now if I could just get him to stop chewing on stuff he would be perfect. But he is still is only 8 months old..I gotta rememember that. We will wait and see. I just cannot wait to bring the baby home and be one happy family:).
Ahh we are soo looking forward to the holidays and enjoying our last Christmas as a family of 3. Braxton has been making me so proud because he totally gets the reason for the season. Yes he loves looking at the presents under the tree, but if you ask him what Christmas is about he will tell you about his love for Jesus. He is really a great kid and makes me so proud. He is also a character. Yesterday he was playing with one of my old cell phones. He was having a conversation and I asked him who he was talking to..he told me it was Mary..you know Jesus's Mom duhh. He is always making me smile and laugh. Gotta love 4 year olds:)
Well I am off for now..Hope everyone has an AMAZING Holiday! I am soo looking forward to seeing friends and family. Oh and did I also mention that when my husband gets home today he will officially be on Vacation for 12 days! SOO EXCITING!!!
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
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