So Monday I went for my weekly doctor appointment and found out that I am measuring big for how many weeks I am. I was 35 weeks at the time and measuring 39 weeks. My doctor's first response was I would probably go early, but he would be an ultrasound to make sure everything was going ok. Today Conrad and I went to see our sweet little one. I LOVE hearing the heart beat and seeing that sweet little face. Anyways, I am carrying extra fluid and this little bug is already weighing 7lbs 8oz..which is why I have the biggest belly ever. Kind of scary since I am 36 weeks and at this point the baby is gaining a pound a week so I already have a big baby. Basically everything looked good they will just monitor me because they don't want the baby to get too big that I cannot deliver it and have to have a c-section..One thing I NEVER want to have. I go back Monday so we will see. I have been having a lot of contractions, but who knows. I really want my body to go into labor on its own so I am just hoping that happens. We will just wait and see when this baby makes its grand entrance. I am getting very excited and anxious to meet this little one:).
Even though we got great news today and saw our precious little one we also have a very sick little one at home. Braxton came down with some type of fungus and is running quite the fever. Poor buddy. Trying to get him back to himself because I would hate for me to have this child and not have Braxton with us to be apart of it all because he has to stay home while he is sick. So lets pray for a speedy recovery for Braxton:).
Hope everyone had a great winter break. We for sure did especially having hubby home for 12 was heavenly:)
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