Its hard to believe it, but today Brady is already one month old. He is becoming such a big boy. As many mothers know the first couple weeks are truly exhausting with a newborn and I must have forgot how exhausting they were since my baby is 4 years old. The first two weeks with Brady were very hard mostly because my husband is in busy season and was gone for the first two weeks. I thought I was going to lose my mind because it seemed like everything bad was happening. Not to go into too much detail but breast feeding was not going the way I wanted it to, Brady wasn't gaining weight, and I ended up getting an infection that ended up making me give up breastfeeding all together which was a HUGE let down for me. I am pretty positive I spent the first 2 weeks in tears. It was also hard having a 4 year old who was begging for attention and I had to learn to adjust to life with 2. Those first couple weeks were rough, but now things are starting to fall into a routine. I am VERY grateful that my husband is home now. Braxton really has become a great big brother and a huge help. He is always willing to give me an extra hand and an extra hug when I need it. He is still the funniest little boy I know and I couldn't imagine my life without him. Brady is thriving and becoming quite the chunk.
Here are some things you must know about our new little love:
1. He LOVES to eat (which I am not use to because Braxton is and always has been the worst eater).
2. He loves to pee on his mother..I have been sprayed so much its not even funny. My all time favorite story so far with him is I was changing him one day and it was poopy..as I finally get the new diaper on he starts spraying me..so now I have two dirty diapers..then I get him all cleaned up pick him up in his new outfit and diaper he gives me the biggest smile and poops himself..so in 10 mins I had officially went through 3 diapers..such a little turd.
3. Brady has already rolled over at 3 weeks
4. Brady hates sleeping in his bassinet. You will get him to sleep and put him in there and its like automatic he starts fussing.
5. He makes the most noise ever. He is constantly grunting. He must love the sound of his voice like his big brother.
6. He gets the hiccups everyday!
7. He looks exactly like Braxton as a baby!
8. He has beautiful blue eyes and his hair is starting to get blonde..exactly how Brax was.
9. Brady loves noise. If hes fighting his sleep and I turn the sweeper on he will fall fast asleep.
10. He is loved so much by his big brother:)
We are truly enjoying being a family of 4. We might be exhausted most of the time, but it is soo worth it and I am looking forward to everything that comes with it. I truly love having 2 boys..it fits me perfectly.
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