So Monday I went to another OB appointment and my doctor measured me and knew it was time. I had been measuring big for weeks now and she felt it was time to induce. She told me she kept hoping I would go into labor, but the baby was getting big and with my huge desire to have a natural birth we needed to take a different step. This was totally different then my first pregnancy so I was nervous about it, but we would only be inducing a week early. I was term and beyond ready. As you all know I was carrying a watermelon and looking more and more like a moose. We had an ultrasound scheduled for the day before we got induced and we saw that baby was at least 9 lbs. I was really nervous, but totally excited to meet this little, well actually big baby:). We were scheduled to be induced Thursday morning at 7:30, but we had to call when I got up that morning to make sure they could take us. Well they had over 5 women deliver that morning so they kept pushing us back. We ended up coming in at 10:30, which actually was a blessing because I was able to get a little more sleep and time to relax. Knowing you are about to go into labor is very nerve racking. The one great thing about being induced though was having Braxton with his Grandparents knowing I had nothing to worry about with him. He was so excited too because he knew the next time he saw his Moma we would be holding a new baby. Once getting to the hospital we had to go through the whole admission process and at 11:30 my doctor came in and broke my water. When my water broke with Braxton my labor went so fast and since I was already 4cm with this pregnancy I figured contractions would start up intense right from the beginning, but this wasn't the case. Yes I had contractions, but they weren't close enough to do anything so after 2 hours of walking around and trying other positions, I told my nurse we should probably start pitocin which would bring the contractions closer together. Once we started pitocin my contractions started to increase big time. My nurse felt since pitocin doesn't usually start for 30 minutes this was all me and stopped pitocin. The contractions were coming full force and I was miserable. I knew I was already 4cm, but didn't want an epidural too early. My nurse checked me and said I was already 6cm and we decided to get an epidural. To all the woman that go without pain medication I salute you, but I am no hero. I got my epidural and minutes later said something is not right my left side is killing me. I was miserable and kept telling my poor husband I wanted to be done. I have to say my husband was a rock star for me that day. He did everything I needed. He knew exactly how to take care of me and I would have never been able to get through it without him. My doctor came in and checked me and said well hunnie the reason your hurting so bad is because that baby is right here its time to push. All I could think of is Oh my god this went so fast. I mean it was like a 20minute span between your 6 to ok lets push. I keep telling people I need to get my epidural half off because I didn't really get to use it. I was soo ready though and excited to meet this little bean that I was determined to see this baby as soon as possible. 12 minutes later Conrad yelled out its a boy and I had a new little one in my arms. I will tell you this that I will NEVER find out what I am having again if God allows us to have more kids. That moment when Conrad told me Its a boy was seriously amazing and it just made everything worth it. There are no words to describe it and honestly there aren't enough surprises in life. I highly suggest it:) trust me you wont regret it. I still couldn't believe I had another precious boy..even though I thought I was since everyone thought it was a girl. I have to tell you though having another little boy is amazing and we are soo in love. Braxton is over the moon about having a little brother and I think they are going to be amazing together. And the ultrasound was correct..Brady was born 9lbs 1oz 21inches long and totally perfect:)

After baby boy was born Conrad and I both looked at each other and said you feeling anything towards the name. Yes if you can believe this we still weren't 100% sure what name we would go with. I kept thinking we would have this feeling..but we didn't right away when we saw him. Our nurse, who seriously was amazing, said you guys don't have to know right now. She was right we didn't..so we waited. When we chose names Conrad always wanted Kamden and I was falling more towards that till the night before. I really started falling in love with the name Brady. So when Conrad looked at me and said his name is Brady I knew it was right. I also wanted one my kids to have my maiden name Whittaker as their middle name because my whole life I have went by the name Whitt so it was really important to me. So that's why we went with Brady Whittaker Bontrager:). It was perfect:). Plus we just love Braxton & Brady together:).

We are VERY much in love with our family of 4. Unfortunately the day we were suppose to go home Brady's blood work showed his bilirubins were high so he spent most of the day under the lights. We were able to go home on a wallaby hoping that within a couple days we would be fine. Although that didn't quite workout and Brady peaked up to 21 and is now in the hospital. He has been doing awesome since we have been here. He has picked up on feeding and the more intense lights have brought his bili down to 16.8. Hopefully by tomorrow we will be at the 14 mark and we will be able to go home. This hasn't been what I imagined for us, but I know this is what is best for Brady. It isn't hard being here for Brady and making sure he is taken care of..the hardest part is missing my other sweet boy Braxton. Luckily the ladies at his pre-school have been soo supportive and helping us get through it. I don't know what I would do without them. When we were in the hospital with Brady it was very obvious that Braxton was having a hard time not being with his parents. He didn't understand why we were staying with Brady and making him stay with our parents. It was really hard and then being stuck in the hospital again has made it even worse. However, Conrad has been going home with Braxton and we even had dinner together the other night at the hospital. I can already tell the difference in Braxton..he just wants to know his parents still love and care about him. That is why I am so anxious to get back home and give both my boys all the love I can. So if you get a chance please pray that we can do exactly that.
Ok wow this has been the longest post ever, but I cannot help but express my love for my new family of 4. We are soo blessed that God has given us this new gift. To my 3 boys..Love you more than words can say:)
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