Conrad was on vacation this past week and it was WONDERFUL! Waking up to my family every morning was perfection. We didn't really have a lot of plans, but to relax and enjoy eachother. That is exactly what we did and we loved it. We got a lot of stuff done around the house and things are really starting to come together. Most importantly I think we are pretty much ready for baby. I am getting more and more anxious thinking about how soon it is going to be here. Every 2 weeks I go to the doctor now. I have already started having some random contractions, but nothing to be concerned about. Every time I go to the doctor I have a fetal fibronectin test done, which is actually pretty amazing to me. This test sometimes can tell if you will go into labor in the next. It might not always be accurate, but it atleast helps the doctors get my body best prepared for a possible early birth. For example, with Braxton I started going into labor at 32 weeks so I had to take medicine to stop contractions, be put on bedrest, and get steriods to help develop his lungs. Luckily, the things we did prevented Braxton from arriving too early and we were able to keep him in to just 12 days early which was term. I am hoping this one will do the same:). As much as I want to get this horrible pregnancy over with..I am holding on as long as my body will:). I just want my sweet baby to come out at term and not a minute sooner:).
This week is my last week in school..WOOHOO!! I am so excited. No more online classes for me. This means I just get to relax with my sweet boy before I officially become a mother of 2! Gosh actually writing that out loud made me all giddy. I am going to have 2 wonderful kids! How'd I get so lucky? Anyways back at it..I just got to get through this week, which is rather difficult. Thanksgiving kind of took away all my motivation. I just cannot wait till it is done. It really hasn't been to horrible and I am so grateful that this whole school thing worked out this semester. God always looking out for me I tell you!
Lastly this week we got out our Christmas decorations. Braxton LOVED putting up our Christmas tree. We were going to start the tradition of getting a fresh Christmas tree, but this year just didn't seem like a good idea. First off we have a lab puppy and I just kept picturing him lifting his leg and peeing on it. He does it to my bushes..why wouldn't he do it on the fresh smelling tree in my house? Also with a baby on the way I don't want any extra things to deal with..and that includes taking care of a tree. I know I am a baby, but next year I promise the boys will be out getting the tree while I stay home cuddling my sweet baby!:) I know it is a tradition Conrad had with his parents and I want him to be able to do the same thing with our kids..we are just going to wait a year. Also, the tree we have now is really special to me..we got it for Braxton's first Christmas and I think we will always put it up no matter what. It is just so exciting that this is our first Xmas in our new house. New Memories to be made..cannot wait. You all know I am sucker for the holidays and this year will be a great one.
Braxton is at an awesome age and I know this year we will have a blast!! Enjoy the Holidays everyone..and even though my husband is no longer on vacation I only have to wait 3 more weeks till he gets 12 days off. YES 12!! Moma is so excited that she cannot wait!!
Braxton. Charley. Brady.

My Joy
Monday, November 28, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The Name Game
So Conrad and I are having a rather difficult time figuring out names for our child. Naming Braxton was hard and it took a LONNG time to figure it out. The worst part about this we have to have a name for a boy and a girl. What is so funny is in the beginning we couldn't agree on one name..not one. Now we have 3 names each for a boy and a girl. Of course there are favorites, but the problem is our favorites don't match. Conrad says we should just take the names and when we see the baby we will know. I on the other hand find this hard to believe. I know when that little baby is in my arms I am going to want my name even more. Ahh will we ever figure it out? I hope so:) or we might just have to keep the name Banana! You will all have to wait and see..hopefully by the time this baby is here we have names!!
This week Conrad has been working in California. We have been missing him a lot and are soo excited for him to get home tonight because that means he is officially on VACATION for a whole week! We really don't have many plans except to just enjoy family time. Conrad of course wants to get out and hunt a couple days and there are a few things we'd like to get done around the house. It is going to be so nice. We are also so excited for thanksgiving. Conrad will play in the annual turkey bowl and then we will get to enjoy family time and good food. I am telling you it is wonderful to be pregnant at thanksgiving time. I am super excited to get together with my family as well and make a plan for Black Friday. Yes I am one of those people and I enjoy it. Of course I don't go out unless it is completely worth it so ads don't let me down this year!
Alright off to go play cars with my favortie 4 year old..hope everyone has a great Friday!!
This week Conrad has been working in California. We have been missing him a lot and are soo excited for him to get home tonight because that means he is officially on VACATION for a whole week! We really don't have many plans except to just enjoy family time. Conrad of course wants to get out and hunt a couple days and there are a few things we'd like to get done around the house. It is going to be so nice. We are also so excited for thanksgiving. Conrad will play in the annual turkey bowl and then we will get to enjoy family time and good food. I am telling you it is wonderful to be pregnant at thanksgiving time. I am super excited to get together with my family as well and make a plan for Black Friday. Yes I am one of those people and I enjoy it. Of course I don't go out unless it is completely worth it so ads don't let me down this year!
Alright off to go play cars with my favortie 4 year old..hope everyone has a great Friday!!
Awesome Big Brother!
Yesterday Braxton and I went to his Super Sibling Class at Memorial Hospital. It was a one time class that a co-worker told me about and I am soo glad we went. In the beginning the teacher, Miss Judy, sat around with the kids on the floor and told them all about babies. It was very informative and hands on, perfect for the kids. However, I learned that my son LOVES the sound of his voice. Since we have read a lot of books about babies and I have tried very hard to prepare him he immediatley tried to answer all the questions. That wasn't the only thing he did, he always tried to add stories in there as well. He for sure wasn't shy at all and I feel kind of bad because he talked so much the other kids just had no choice but to listen to him. He also made sure he was as close to the teacher as possible..what a teacher's pet. He must get this from Conrad because when I was a kid I was VERY shy..not Braxton. I actually got a little anxious that he was going to share stories I didn't want him to share, but lucikly he kept everything clean. He did mention that changing diapers was disgusting and he would have no part in that. He atleast got everyone to laugh. We went on a tour of the child birth unit and Braxton got to see where I will have the baby and where I will go once the baby is born. He was really intrigued by it all. He also got to see the special button he will get to press when the baby is here that sends out a little song throughout the hospital to let everyone know a baby has been born. One of my favortie things about the class is Braxton decorated a picture frame with his picture in it that the nurses will place in the new baby's bed when it is born so that the baby will know that Braxton is the big brother. Super Cute and Braxton was very excited about this. Another favortie time was when the teacher taught the kids the proper way to hold babies. As I watched Braxton holding the baby I saw him kissing the baby's head multiple times and singing to it. Honestly it made me want to cry with happiness. He is such a loving child and I know he is going to be an amazing brother:). Lastly, at the end of class the teacher told the kids a "secret," that when the baby is born the siblings get to go to the gift shop and bring mommy a flower. Whats so cute is Braxton keeps telling me he has a huge surprise for me when the baby comes. It is really awesome how excited he is. This class was great and I recommned it highly!
Now we wait till the little bundle of joy is here. I am 29 weeks and ready for it to be here. I know it is going to fly by:).
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Craziest Dreams
So you all know this pregnancy has been rather difficult..and everything is soo different from my first. As I start my last trimester I have to say that I am anxious to get it all over with. I never thought I would say that because I LOVED being pregnant with Braxton. However, this pregnancy hasn't been as much fun. I have gotten through it all and it actually has gotten better. What I am experiencing now is just back pain and not being able to sleep for anything. I ended up finally caving in and bought myself a body pillow. The lady at the checkout counter even looked at me and smiled and said girl you look like you haven't slept in a week..and to be honest she's about right. She told me she had to do the same thing when she was pregnant and that it made a big difference with a long pillow. The last couple nights have been better besides getting up to pee at least 3 times. The weirdest new thing I am going through is the most bizarre dreams. For example, the other night I had a beautiful little girl and when I touched her faced it caved in and I kept screaming I ruined my baby. Then last night I dreamed I was still pregnant, but when I went into the doctor I was told I was pregnant again so the babies would be delivered 3 months apart..what the heck? Seriously they are like this every night it is soo bizarre! I also have to share that I am super emotional. I mean SUPER. I went to pick up Braxton from preschool and he told me he didn't want to leave because he wanted to play with his friends..and I started crying. It was completely out of my control. I mean something so dumb will make me cry..ahh the joys of being pregnant:)
Ok Ok I will back off from my pregnancy stories and tell you that school is going really well. I am already half way through and doing well. I do have to say that I hate online classes though. They are just not for someone like me because being at home makes me want to do everything besides school. You just have to really force yourself to do it all without getting distracted. Its not my cup of tea.
Braxton is really enjoying preschool and making us very proud. He only goes 3 days a week, but is learning so much. He can spell his name and almost has his last name as well. It is really awesome as a Mom to watch your son learn and accomplish new things. For example, he just learned his address and every time he gets it completely right he gets so excited. I cannot believe how big he is getting. We also have to start buying his clothes in the big boy section now that he is wearing mostly size 5T. It really is hard to believe. I have pulled out some of his old onsies for the baby and when I look at them I just cannot believe he is 4 years old. They aren't lying when they say it goes by so fast. For now I am trying my best to enjoy every little moment with my Braxton because before we know it baby will be here and it wont just be me and my side kick. I get scared trying to think of how I will do it all, but I know God will guide me and there will be good and bad days. However, I am super excited to see the big brother in action and how much he falls in love with this new life that will bring our family even closer.
Ok Ok I will back off from my pregnancy stories and tell you that school is going really well. I am already half way through and doing well. I do have to say that I hate online classes though. They are just not for someone like me because being at home makes me want to do everything besides school. You just have to really force yourself to do it all without getting distracted. Its not my cup of tea.
Braxton is really enjoying preschool and making us very proud. He only goes 3 days a week, but is learning so much. He can spell his name and almost has his last name as well. It is really awesome as a Mom to watch your son learn and accomplish new things. For example, he just learned his address and every time he gets it completely right he gets so excited. I cannot believe how big he is getting. We also have to start buying his clothes in the big boy section now that he is wearing mostly size 5T. It really is hard to believe. I have pulled out some of his old onsies for the baby and when I look at them I just cannot believe he is 4 years old. They aren't lying when they say it goes by so fast. For now I am trying my best to enjoy every little moment with my Braxton because before we know it baby will be here and it wont just be me and my side kick. I get scared trying to think of how I will do it all, but I know God will guide me and there will be good and bad days. However, I am super excited to see the big brother in action and how much he falls in love with this new life that will bring our family even closer.
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