So you all know this pregnancy has been rather difficult..and everything is soo different from my first. As I start my last trimester I have to say that I am anxious to get it all over with. I never thought I would say that because I LOVED being pregnant with Braxton. However, this pregnancy hasn't been as much fun. I have gotten through it all and it actually has gotten better. What I am experiencing now is just back pain and not being able to sleep for anything. I ended up finally caving in and bought myself a body pillow. The lady at the checkout counter even looked at me and smiled and said girl you look like you haven't slept in a week..and to be honest she's about right. She told me she had to do the same thing when she was pregnant and that it made a big difference with a long pillow. The last couple nights have been better besides getting up to pee at least 3 times. The weirdest new thing I am going through is the most bizarre dreams. For example, the other night I had a beautiful little girl and when I touched her faced it caved in and I kept screaming I ruined my baby. Then last night I dreamed I was still pregnant, but when I went into the doctor I was told I was pregnant again so the babies would be delivered 3 months apart..what the heck? Seriously they are like this every night it is soo bizarre! I also have to share that I am super emotional. I mean SUPER. I went to pick up Braxton from preschool and he told me he didn't want to leave because he wanted to play with his friends..and I started crying. It was completely out of my control. I mean something so dumb will make me cry..ahh the joys of being pregnant:)
Ok Ok I will back off from my pregnancy stories and tell you that school is going really well. I am already half way through and doing well. I do have to say that I hate online classes though. They are just not for someone like me because being at home makes me want to do everything besides school. You just have to really force yourself to do it all without getting distracted. Its not my cup of tea.
Braxton is really enjoying preschool and making us very proud. He only goes 3 days a week, but is learning so much. He can spell his name and almost has his last name as well. It is really awesome as a Mom to watch your son learn and accomplish new things. For example, he just learned his address and every time he gets it completely right he gets so excited. I cannot believe how big he is getting. We also have to start buying his clothes in the big boy section now that he is wearing mostly size 5T. It really is hard to believe. I have pulled out some of his old onsies for the baby and when I look at them I just cannot believe he is 4 years old. They aren't lying when they say it goes by so fast. For now I am trying my best to enjoy every little moment with my Braxton because before we know it baby will be here and it wont just be me and my side kick. I get scared trying to think of how I will do it all, but I know God will guide me and there will be good and bad days. However, I am super excited to see the big brother in action and how much he falls in love with this new life that will bring our family even closer.
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