So yesterday I was enjoying my day with my favortie 4 year old, but I started realizing I was having regular contractions and was super uncomfortable. Braxton and I were downstairs playing in the basement and I had to make him come sit down with me on the couch because I just didn't feel right. With the nice winter storm on the way and a husband in Ft. Wayne for business I figured it was a good idea to call the doctor and get checked. I figured it was better to be safe than sorry. So I get to my appointment and he checks me and his eyes get huge and asks me how close my contractions are. I say 6-7mins apart..and he replies you need to go to the hospital. I was 3-4cm and 80% effaced. I told him about my husband being in Ft. Wayne and he just said to tell him not to mess around and come home. I was experiencing every emotion possible. I was so excited that today I was going to become a Mom for the second time:). Getting to the hospital was much different this time around. My labor was so fast with Braxton..a total of 6 hours.. and I didn't have time for all the nice check in stuff. This time I walked myself in to the hospital and I was calm enough to answer every questions while I tried to wait patiently for my husband to arrive. Once he was there I was even more relaxed, which should have been my first clue. After having me on monitor and checking me the doctors thought I wasn't in active labor. Meaning I wasn't progressing and they wouldn't push that being I am only 37 weeks. After a couple of hours on monitor and being checked I was sent home because I was staying the same. It was really frusterating to go from such a high to such a low. My poor husband tried to make me feel better, but I just wanted to have a moment to be upset. I felt bad that I had told everyone today was baby day and even worse that my husband rushed to get by my side, but honestly how could we have known that the baby would just say nope not ready yet. So they told me to take it easy and prepare that it would be soon. They offered me a sleeping pill prescription to get through the night with the contractions..so on our way home from the hospital we stopped at CVS and that's when I made my husband's dreams come true. I of course was upset so I wanted to get myself some goodies not to mention I was starving..and while looking around I found my husband a camo snuggie for the wonderful price of $4.99. He was so happy..so yeah we might not have a baby today but my husband got a new CAMO snuggie. He is so in love and he has worn it all day since he is working from home today.

So now we wait and hope baby comes soon..:)
Lastly, I just want to thank my wonderful Mom and Mother-in-law for all their help when I was trying to get to the hospital with Braxton. I couldn't have been so calm if it wasn't for these two wonderful ladies! So grateful to have amazing family in my life.
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