1. My mother leaves INSANELY long voice mails. I mean she will honestly leave you a novel to the point where you pull the phone away for like 5 minutes and she's still going. Well lately I have been doing this. In fact after leaving a message for my cousin today on the phone, I stopped and said in the message Oh my word I am my mother I gotta go and hung up. What has happened to me?
2. Now you all know mothers love to take pictures. It is in our DNA we love to capture the moments. I have no problem here, but my mother always took pictures of us holding a piece of paper that would say the occasion for the picture..like first day of kindergarten, first loose tooth, and my all time favorite I was playing on the chair and it fell on me and now I have this bruise (this is a true story people you can't make this up). Seriously we all have made fun of her for this habit, but as I am looking through my pictures I noticed I have done this TWICE. I am also going to call my sister Jenn out and say she has done it more than me (I am just saying).
3. My Mom can cry very easily. Honestly, we all will be watching something and know Mom is crying. My Dad will always call her out..."Oh your Mom is crying." "No I am not Whit!" (whipping tears and turning head the other way). She tries to hide it so well, but we all know she is a sap. Well I am too. I mean I watch toy story 3 and the ending kills me every time. I mean the ending where all the toys grab hands so they can go down together..are you kidding me? I am seriously getting teary eyed writing it and I am well aware it is a cartoon. Anyways yes I am a sap I cry watching baby story when other people have babies...its not my baby why am I crying? I have the emotional gene from her for sure.
4. My mom gives something to her grand kids for every holiday, which use to be me before I had Braxton(don't worry I have recovered). I have forever thought that that was completely normal. I mean who doesn't want a gift on Valentines Day, 4th of July, or St. Pattys Day. Those are important days too. My husband finally informed me I had a problem and needed to stop. I was like what? Your mom didn't do this for you, I thought that was what you were suppose to do. Well whatever I am still doing it I am sure he will understand when Braxton opens up his big box of chocolate love he gets on Valentines Day and he really shouldn't complain because he gets credit for something he doesn't do..ok I am getting off track but I am just saying.
The list could go on and on and I am not saying all this to make fun of my mother because she is WONDERFUL. She has loved all of us kids unconditionally and would do anything for us. I know I am becoming ALOT like her and I may make fun of it, but I also feel honored. She did all those things for a reason and it was because she loves us so much. She has taught me a lot about family and made me who I am. Moma just know that you make me so proud to be your daughter:)
I also look forward to more adventures where I realize I am even more like you..maybe I will give my future children matching mullets too? Who knows. Only time will tell!
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