Well last night didn't go as well as I would have hoped. Yesterday evening Braxton went through a rough part where when he was trying to sleep he had muscle spasms. It was awful. He had all his medicine, and basically I felt helpless because there wasn't anything I could do. Conrad and I tried repositioning him, but nothing helped. I just held on to his hand. This lasted for what seemed like forever. Then at bedtime it happened again. This time the muscle spams were coming seriously every 30 seconds. My poor boy grabbed on to me with the tightest grip just screaming. I had had enough. I ended up calling the surgeon, who told me to try benadryl. That took the edge off for a little bit, but an hour later we were at it again. We made it through the night, but we are both exhausted. I called the doctor this morning so I should be getting a call to see what the next plan is. Hopefully we can find a way to ease my boys pain, because I cannot handle watching it. It seriously breaks my heart.
We are hoping today will be a better day. I told Braxton his cousin Brenna and Aunt Jenn were stopping by this morning and that made him excited. I am hoping visitors will make him happy because sitting around all day is hard on him.
We will keep you posted. Thanks again for your prayers:)
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