It is starting to look like Fall people and I am soo excited. Fall is my favortie season for so many reasons. I love the weather, the changes in colors, and mostly FOOTBALL SEASON!! Yes I am a big football fan. Notre Dame and the Colts! I honestly don't know anything else. My husband, unfortunately, is a Michigan Fan. You can see where that could be a problem when raising a boy. However, don't you fret because Momma is taking care of business. My son is a momma's boy right now, and I am going to take FULL advantage of it. Just ask him who his favorite team is between the two and you will find a PERFECT answer because Notre Dame is Mommy's team!! As you can see from the picture below I am raising him well:)
Braxton has been loving Pre-School and I am SO proud of how well he is adjusting. He adores his friends and his teachers. He is learning so much and we can already tell the differences. I truly have been enjoying being the one to pick him up from school since Conrad and I have changed roles. It has been a big blessing to me. When Braxton gets home from school we have been loving going for bike rides or running in the jogger. I cannot lie I thought it would be easy to get back on a bike, but I am horrible. Don't worry people Braxton wears a helmet. Anyways we have been loving time together, especially Mommy. Since I am in school and don't have the time I use to I REALLY try to make our time together special and meaningful. That boy means so much to me. Never thought I could love someone so much.
I am starting to adjust to school, but I will be perfectly honest when telling you I had my first breakdown. Yes I am aware I have been in school barley a week, but it happened. I had my first lab for my Anatomy and Physiology class. Lets just say I went home in tears because I was so frustrated. Not to mention I broke a beaker in class. I got over it though, and I take it as a blessing because I have been out of school for over 4 years, kind of need to give myself a break and realize to be a little easier on myself. Lets just say I am a perfectionist and I don't like being wrong even a little bit. Ok I am stubborn you got me. I am loving school though and I find it all so interesting. I am blessed to be at Bethel.
Conrad has been enjoying his last week before work. He has had the opportunity to Golf and help me get adjusted to school, which is wonderful. I am so lucky to have him. Truly has my back and pushes me when I want to give up.
Alright I am off to do more studying..don't get too excited for me:)
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