Braxton. Charley. Brady.

Braxton. Charley. Brady.
My Joy

Thursday, September 30, 2010

"I know but a lot of kids sit and dance to be like brax! He's such a happy boy it could take a lot more than a broken leg to hold him back."

My wonderful bestfriend Jenn sent me this text message today. She sent this message after she had sent me a video of Braxton dancing with his friend at school, while sitting in a chair. The video made me smile, but made me so sad too. I hate the fact that my little boy is sitting in a chair and not being able to run around with his friends. I explained this to Jenn and that is the quote she sent back to me. I seriously haven't stopped thinking about it all day.

Braxton is an amazing little boy. A boy so wonderful other kids want to be like him. He is sweet and caring. He is a friend to everybody and he loves everybody. He constantly talks about his wonderful friends and how much they mean to him. Whenever I walk into school the kids run to Braxton. They look up to him and they think he is just as amazing as I do. It's amazing to see your child thrive and grow. It is something that makes parenthood absolutely wonderful because you are part of it. I couldn't be prouder of the son we are raising. Parenthood is the hardest job in the world, but honestly it is the more rewarding job as well.

Now on to the nothing can bring him down part. Jenn totally made me think. Seriously in the beginning of Braxton's injury he never quit. He had his moments of pain, but the second he wanted to do something he did it. He isn't throwing a pity party for himself, he just deals with it. It doesn't slow him down or make him a different person. He is still the sweetest and happiest little boy. How many times in my life have I just been sad or upset and I let it control me? My three year old doesn't even do that. I have serious stress in my life, but I let it get me down and keep me down. Today made me realize I need to be like my 3 year old. Who knew he could teach me so much!

Seriously though everyday I may teach Braxton something, but he truly shows me what life is all about. With him life makes sense. Man am I lucky or what?

Lastly Braxton has his follow up appointment tomorrow. I am nervous and excited. We are hoping for good news so please keep the prayers coming. We will let you know the news soon:)

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