Do you ever get so busy, you are always worrying about what you have to do next? Seriously that is me right now. I feel like there is never enough time in the day, especially for my studies. Well last night I also remembered I really have to relax and enjoy my life, because everthing is going so fast. My poor peanut was sick last night, hacking his little lungs out I swear, and the only way I could get him to relax was by letting him lay on me in the rocking chair. In the beginning all I could think was the long list of things I had to do. Then all the sudden I looked at my son and realized that I never use the rocker anymore because he is so big, and we usually don't have to rock him to sleep anymore. I was looking at him and realized how big he has gotten. His legs hang over the edge of the rocker and it took a lot to get him comfortable because of his bigger body. Then I got mad at myself for not enjoying this time. I mean when he is 10 you think he will still want his momma rocking him and rubbing his back? Probably not. I can barley believe he is 3, and to think someday he will be 18 makes me want to cry. It goes so fast. My baby is now a boy. Gotta remember to just sit and enjoy my time with my boy.
Also I have to share a funny story from today, we were sitting in our room and Braxton looked at me said lets be friends momma I love you. It made me so happy and I told him of course and I loved him too. Then he started sniffing me. I looked at him like what are you doing..and he goes Mom you smell gross. Where do kids learn this stuff? He is always making me laugh with what he comes up with.
Last but not least as you all know my hubby is a BUSY working man:) I am so proud, but also VERY nervous because he is traveling a lot. Makes it a tad difficult when you are in school and being a Moma. We will work it out and I have faith we will make it:). But I will always take any prayers people want to give us as we make this adjustment!!!
Thats all for now...Hope everyone is enjoying this BEAUTIFUL Fall Weather. We love it!
Ps I am sure all of you are aware..but the best day of the year is in 9 days..MY BIRTHDAY..Its a pretty big deal!!
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